Authors: Ognik K., Kozłowski J., Stępniowska, Listos P., Józefiak D., Zduńczyk Z., Jankowski J.

Publications: Animals, 10(8):1339, DOI: 10.3390/ani10081339

Insects can be used as an alternative source of protein and fat in poultry feed. To date, in most research, the administration of invertebrates as a replacement for soybean meal in chicken diets has produced satisfactory results. We hypothesized that full-fat insect meal from Hermetia illucens (HI) larvae can also be an acceptable source of protein and energy in the diet of young turkeys, and at the same time can improve their antioxidant status and metabolism. Our research showed that the level of HI meal in the diet of turkeys should not exceed 5%. The use of a higher level of HI than 5% in the diet of young turkeys has a negative effect on lipid metabolism, lipid oxidation and fat deposition in the liver.


Łączymy zrównoważoną, bliską naturze hodowlę owadów z nowoczesną technologią. Wprowadzając na rynek alternatywne dla tradycyjnego białko bezkręgowców, realizujemy misję ograniczenia marnotrawstwa żywności, ograniczając degradację środowiska.


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