Authors: Lähteenmäki-Uutela A., Hénault-Ethier L., Marimuthu S.B., Talibov S., Allen R.N., Nemane V., Vandenberg G.W., Józefiak D.
Publication: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 4(3), 187-198, doi: 10.3920/JIFF2017.0073
Taking the macromarketing approach to insect food and feed, we study how the global insect marketing system is impacted by the global insect regulatory system. As an illustration, we study how the regulations of the European Union, USA, Canada and Australia impact marketing strategies of individual companies, and how company-level behaviour combines into the dynamics of the whole insect marketing system. The output of the global insect marketing system is the global assortment of insect products. The regulatory system has its topics, content, and tools with differences between countries. Topics are the elements of the insect business that regulators care about. Content determines what insect products can be launched. Tools are the regulatory instruments and sanctions. Regulatory differences between countries are an important determinant in the geography of launch patterns and in the resulting global assortment of insect products available.